back to posting. freaking long never post already!!!
today web-camming with my daughter at 11 plus. talk till like,, 3.30? yeahh,, discussing something seriouse...
today's gospel somehow rather link me with the"incident" somehow GOD is trying to hint me something... dicussed it and maybe i should just be nice. if that is what GOD want me to do, then i'll try to fufilled his wish.<:
i love todayy!! mooncake festival celebrations in church today:) HAHA! cant believe kor can handle kids.. in the end he got sick! ._. GET WELL SOON KOR~! then head to shawn's house for some rock band:D DAMN FUN!! i sang 'move along'(expert.) got 99% okayy! not bad loh. damn hyper now.
outcome of your love,, 1:45 AM.
sorry:( didn't post for a very LONG time.. eh many things happen the past few days... just celebrate my grannys birthday on 9/9/09:D damn cool okay!(i think im gonna go FAT soon!) ate too much:D hahass... Alright enough craps. later maybe going for some shopping:p HEHE can't wait for tomorrow!!! WOOHOO!!!
outcome of your love,, 2:37 PM.
today super super slackk! schol starts at 8 and ends at 10.25:D Went to watch G-force with siti, elvira, devina and kim. super super funny:D then after that went to macs to study. I COMPLETE MY MATH HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!!! uhh shit! still got plenty more... so stay at macs for 2-3 hourss.. THEN, head down to church:D I LOVE CHURCH!!! We played bored games and yah... We had sharing sessions too. So from this, i learnt more about the people around me and that we share the same faith together:D i want to have more of this in the future! BUT then when i reach home, hai, don wanna talk about it. I just cant stand him okay. He is damn irritating! Everytime also nag, holiday also wanna nag. WTH lah! but its okay i woundn't let this unnoted incident to ruin my happy day... REMEMBER, LINDA LOVES YOU:D
outcome of your love,, 11:31 PM.
im damn sick today! i kept sneezing during science and english period. hate being sick... you cant really enjoy life. Rebecca damn good lah, offer me her medcine:D thankss!!!:D went to VIVO with elvira then eat there... walk around here and there...then went home. cant believe i use up the whole box of tissue D: yupp
outcome of your love,, 10:31 PM.
guess what? sick again due to the hectic rain yesterday. sneeze non stop today in school. School's damn slack, i love sewing! the head to ikea for a massive lunch with elvira and karrie. I ate like a pig??? then tuition damn slack, sleep for a while cause im seriously not feeling well. then began to start work.
-love the fun times we had together!
outcome of your love,, 10:21 PM.
Went to cycle at east coast with babes. Weather was damn shitty... im FREEZING!!! went to cycle after it rains, starts to dirzle again FOR 3 hours! i think im sick now. althoght weather was sucky but we had fun too. First we ate lunch at bk, cycle for about 2hr then went food court and ate fish ball soup...then cycle back. Went back by bus for 2hrs long. I was freezing mad... damn cold! OMG can't believe that my dad came home... damn shock... okay i shall end here..
outcome of your love,, 8:54 PM.